The 9/11 Timeline

by Anthony C Heaford - Updated 20 July 2019

In September 1997 I was unwittingly introduced to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other members of al Qaeda during a business trip to Yemen. 

These meetings occurred after I had spoken about my fears of hijacked civilian aircraft being used as kamikaze piloted guided missiles to attack the World Trade Centre.

Below is a chronological record of my experiences and subsequent investigations:

New Information Entry: 31 October 1999, Added 12 Aug 2020

Here is my video testimony, a 33-minute documentary:

Starting April 2015, I've spent three years of my life trying to recall, research and report every detail of my 1997 visit to Yemen. The first reply to my three-years of ceaseless reseach and report writting came in March 2018 when a US army officer working for the US 9/11 military commission contacted me, initially via Facebook messenger. 

That US army officer proposed sending a team of Pentagon based investigators to Manchester, England to interview me face-to-face about my visit to and meetings in Yemen in 1997. After having been refused witness status I declined that invitation to interview and am instead publishing my testimony and supporting evidence here, for all to see.

Link to photo and map gallery:

My statements here and elsewhere on this topic should not be considered accurate or definative accounts of events and must not be considered as legal testimony - I want to give that testimony in person.

Truly, for some of us nothing is written, unless we write it 
© Anthony C Heaford - The Quiet Mancunian